While most Springdale Utilities’ customers are on the gravity sewer system, a small number of customers are on a pressure sewer system. If you have a control panel on the side of the home, a large underground tank with two green lids, and live in the former Bethel Heights area, chances are your home is on the pressure sewer system. Each tank has a pump that pumps into a small pressurized line that discharges into the public system. These tanks are privately owned and maintained by the property owner, while the service lines are maintained by Springdale Water Utilities, starting at the shut off valve.

Effective January 1st, 2023, Springdale Water Utilities (SWU) will no longer be performing maintenance on the STEP tanks and pumping systems at customer’s property(s).
The property owner is required to maintain these systems and keep them in good working order. To protect the public health and environment, failure to properly maintain these systems may result in discontinuance of water service.
Ownership, operation, and maintenance of the Septic Tank Effluent Pumping (STEP) system tank, pump, pump controls, and plumbing to and from the tank to the service line shut off valve is the responsibility of the property owner.
As a condition of service:
- All new pumping systems and STEP tanks must meet SWU specifications and requirements.
- All existing pumping systems and STEP tanks must continue to meet SWU specifications and requirements.
- All modifications must be approved by SWU.
- Factory-approved sealed lids must be in good condition. Any breakages must be repaired.
- SWU has the right to enter the property to perform inspections to reduce the likelihood of inflow and infiltration into the system.
Please continue to notify SWU if there are any overflows from any STEP tank. In any case, reporting it does not alter the property owner’s responsibilities.
A STEP System consists of a tank with a pump inside of it that discharges to the pressure sewer system. A control panel provides electricity to the pump, and floats provide control. The pump discharges wastewater from the tank into a pressure sewer system.
Neither SWU nor the city owns the STEP tank, control box, and pumping system, and does not have the ability to make repairs to private property.
Typically, a licensed septic tank installer or plumber can provide these services for you. See below a list of companies that have provided contact information.
The shut off valve on the service line; there will be a small valve box with fiberglass lid on the service line where the shut off valve is located.
First, call Springdale Water Utilities at 479-751-5751 to investigate. If it is on the privately owned portion of the service line, you will need to have a licensed plumber repair it.
Ensure that nothing that cannot be eaten is discarded through the disposal or sinks and nothing other than toilet tissue and human waste is discarded through the toilet. Pour cooking oil and grease into a container and dispose in your trash.
If the alarm goes off once, press the “Push to Silence” button: the system may just be alerting you to a temporary high-level condition. If the alarm comes on again, call a local repair company. Please see a list below of companies that have provided contact information.
If your alarm periodically chirps, there may be a problem with the electrical circuit to your panel. Contact your local repair company.
Call us and we’ll immediately notify the customer. If there’s an environmental or health hazard, we may discontinue service.
Get it fixed. It is required that the system remain watertight to reduce inflow into the sewer system. All lids need to be fastened securely onto each tank, and replaced when they are broken. Repair companies can replace these lids for you. Alternatively, we maintain a small inventory of lids that can be sold to customers.
Based on the Orenco manual, the tank would generally need septage removal every 11-12 years for a typical family of three. However, the frequency will be much greater if items are flushed down the drain that the tank is not designed to handle.
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